"I am the bread of life" (John 6:35,48,51).
"I am the light of the world" (John 8:12).
"I am the door of the sheep" (John 10:7,9).
"I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11,14).
"I am the resurrection, and the life" (John 11:25).
"I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6).
"I am the true vine" (John 15:1,5).
The book of John records Jesus making these seven significant statements about himself. As a Christian, I find myself easily agreeing with each declaration. As Jesus proclaims, “I am...” I respond, “Yes you are, Lord. You, and you alone!”
- Lord Jesus, only you are the bread of life.
- Lord Jesus, only you are the light of the world
But before I can get to the next “I am,” that old familiar puzzle challenge comes to mind: “One of these is not like the others.” As far as I can tell, each one of these seven statements is true for Jesus alone, except for, “I am the light of the world.” God’s Word boldly declares, “you are, too!”
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16
How this comes to be is a mystery. Jesus tells us to put our trust in the light, that we may become children of light (John 12:36). I know I’m not the way, the truth, or the life - but I am the light of the word! And, according to Matthew, I am also a child of God! What an awesome right, and responsibility! This does not detract from the Glory of God. The fact that God has given us such high position in Christ, only enhances his Glory! According to Ephesians chapter 1, all this has been done, "to the praise of his glory!"
So, how can I be the light of the world? Obviously by good deeds. Anything else?
Look at Matthew 5:16 again. The Greek word for good there clearly means good and right; morally right, morally good, choosing to do good rather than evil. But it also can mean, beautiful, fine, or excellent.
There’s a lot of ugly in this world! Ugliness is always going on. People treat each other like garbage. But the child of God is supposed to be different! God is able to transform you beyond your past, into something beautiful, fine, and excellent!
Think about the meaning of excellent. Excellence, or the lack thereof, is not a reflection of your ethnicity, background, or socioeconomic status. God can take the bottom of the barrel, and he can turn it around! You may only have one shirt, but you can still be excellent on the inside - you can wash that one shirt every single night, and wear it clean each day! You can apply self-respect to some of the most demeaning tasks.
By the way, if you are faithful in those little things, God has promised to make you ruler over many things... I don't believe you can keep the Word of God, and keep a one-shirt lifestyle for very long! Keep at it, there is a time of reaping if you continue sowing and working.
I happen to believe that God is interested in more than just you doing good! Yes, he commands and expects us to be morally good. By the power of the Holy Spirit he even enables us to do good. I believe God is interested in us not just being good - he is interested in us being great!
- Be Great at being good
- Be Great at doing right
- Be Great at loving your neighbor
- Be Great at being kind to others
- Be Great at working hard
- Be Great at thinking smart
- Be Great at using wisdom
- Be Great at relying on God
- Be Great at showing excellence in all you do
- Be Great at in overcoming
- Be Great at being successful in what God has called you to do!!!
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