- To those who are looking for a church, this could help you form a biblical set of criteria.
- To those who are looking at seeing your own church develop, this could help you get some focus. Humbly share it with your pastor!
- To Pastor's who are looking for direction, this could be the spark of inspiration that God uses to send you down a specific path for the church which he has entrusted to your care.
- To those who see the holes in this vision statement that, in your eyes, I have obviously missed, help a brother out! Give me some godly council as I seek to follow the Word of God, and the direction of the Holy Spirit in 2009.
So here it goes...
Pastor’s Vision For Lighthouse:
Lighthouse Christian Center will continue to be, and increase in being a New Testament church as found in the book of Acts. Acts 2:42-47 is a great foundational scripture for our vision.
Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. Acts 2:44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. Acts 2:45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Acts 2:46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, Acts 2:47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Spiritual. (Acts 2:42)
The Word of God is foundational. The Cross is central. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is predominant. Prayers go forth constantly. Discipleship is the normal way of life. Our interaction with each other and our God defines who we are.
Equipping. (Acts 2:42)
Educational, motivational, arming people of God to be people of God...
Powerful. (Acts 2:43)
The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is alive and at work in His people! The work of the Holy Spirit which includes drawing, convicting, renewing, transforming (in New Birth), sealing, filling, empowering, enabling etc. will be clearly present in the service. The gifts of the Spirit will be operating. The fruit of the Spirit will be flourishing.
Safe. (Acts 2:44)
The people will be safe from the world’s influence and the enemy’s devices. They will be safe from the sin and darkness from which they have been freed as they enter into this group of believers. They will be safe to love (God and one another), and be loved. They will be safe to form relationships with their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Loving. (Acts 2:45)
The church, the body of Christ, will be the embodiment of love! Loving one another involves actively reaching out to those in need, praying for one another and carrying each other’s burdens.
Inspiring. (Acts 2:46-47)
People will actually feel better when they leave than when they came. The strong will have a sense of being refreshed, renewed and edified. The week will feel the relief of laying down burdens, drinking from the living water and being encouraged! Those who came in lost will leave with the peace and joy of knowing that they have turned their lives over to the Lord, and have been saved from sin and death! People will leave the services motivated to work for the Kingdom of God.
Worshipful. (Acts 2:47)
Thanksgiving, Praise, Worship, Offering ourselves to God, Repentance, Spiritual Warfare, Praying in the Spirit with all kinds of prayers...
Relevant. (Acts 2:47)
Contemporary and traditional music, multi-media and other technologies will clearly portray, rather than distract from, the message of the cross. There will be relevant ministries, such as Lighthouse Christian Academy, Benevolence, etc. that make a lasting impact on this community.
Magnetic. (Acts 2:47)
The atmosphere will be charged with expectation and excitement. Sunday Brunch and Wednesday Supper will be opportunities for fellowship. The ushers and greeters will be smiling and helpful, the members warm and friendly, the music, lights, sound, and overall “production” will be great, the worship will be in Spirit and truth, the message will be interesting, challenging and potentially life-changing.
Acts 5:13-14 No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people. Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number.
Great Vision!