Means Being Filled With Power!
"My superpower." This appeared on the Google profile page I was attempting to fill out. There was an empty box under it waiting for me to reveal my secret identity and altar ego to the world! I replied, "Getting it all done the night before!" You see, procrastination is more than an art form; it's a superpower.
Jesus promised supernatural power for those who believe in him: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..." (Acts 1:8). He also said, "...stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). When you're filled with the Spirit, you're filled with power!
Let's look at some of the power words that are used to describe the coming of the promised Holy Spirit in Acts 2.
This is the same Greek word in Acts 16 when there was suddenly a violent earthquake and the prison doors flew open! There may be a long time between a promise and its fulfillment, but when it finally gets here it's suddenly!
This is a wind of such force that it is able to carry you away! This is a hurricane force wind!
The same word is used in Mark chapter two when some young men carried a paralytic to Jesus. This man needed healing and the only way he was ever going to receive his healing was for him to be in the right place at the right time.
Jesus was in that place - so it was the right place!
Jesus was ready to heal - so it was the right time!
The young man’s friends lifted him up, bed and all, climbed the roof with him, put a hole in the roof and lowered him right into the healing arms of Jesus! They did the kind of carrying that got him to the right place at the right time! The rushing wind of the Holy Spirit can pick you up right out of your situation and carry you to the right place at the right time! He can put you right where you need to be, right when you need to be there!
Mighty means violent. It wasn’t like the gentle relaxing breeze of a spring morning. In John 20 Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, "receive the Holy Spirit." In Acts 2 those breathed upon disciples now become wind blown disciples. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you are given more of God!
Along with this sound of Wind There was the appearance of Fire, and soon to be the feeling of a River flowing out from them! John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire. Our God is a consuming fire!
Being filled with the Spirit means being emboldened and empowered to witness, to worship and to live for God! Jesus said the Father would give the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! If you lack in your witness, worship or walk with the Lord, ask him to fill you with power! be filled with the Holy Spirit, and watch the change that will take place in your life! It's super!
[Photo by John Whittington]
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