My dad decided one day that I needed the best instrument on the market in order to reach my best potential. Daddy could have gotten me a little Casio keyboard because they still make sound when you play them. But he took some of his really large gun collection and did some trading and selling (with a music store owner, who also liked guns, knives and other southern-dude stuff) and daddy became the proud owner of the first Korg T1 in the city of Jacksonville Florida!
It was my Dad’s pleasure to get the best and to get it first, not because he plays keyboard - he doesn’t. His pleasure was in giving the very newest and best to his son! What made Daddy happy, was making me happy!
This is the principal by which God operates. He does you good, because it does him good!
- It’s Your Father’s Good Pleasure to reveal his Son in in you!
- It’s Your Father’s Good Pleasure to adopt you as a child!
- It’s Your Father’s Good Pleasure to make known to you the mystery of his will!
- It’s Your Father’s Good Pleasure to will and work in your life!
- It’s Your Father’s Good Pleasure to give you the kingdom!
God has adopted you as his own child, not only because this is His will, but also because this is His pleasure! Share in God's pleasure, by sharing in the blessings he desires to pour into your life. How do you do that? By receiving them with thanksgiving and joy!
In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will — to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.
Ephesians 1:4-6
Every one of the "Daily Whitt" posts are amazing; this is one of my favorites. Thank you for all the hours you invest in these incredibly annointed mini sermons, and forgive me for not commenting before.
ReplyDeleteLove and Blessings,
Verne Haggerty
This was a wonderful story , and you do a wonderful job on the keyboard! Love reading all your stories here on the Daily Witt they are great!
ReplyDeleteLove and Blessings,
Rebecca Hall
This is one of my favorites because I lived with the man for 54 years who sold his gun and knife collection to buy you the best keyboard available at the time. I know first hand that it's "your fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom," both your heavenly Father and your earthly father.
Jonnie Whittington (Mama to you)